
Best Discord music bot

Bot Features


Our bot is very fast, its commands loading fast.


Our bot is secure, so users have nothing to fear.

Happy Users

Our users are very happy when they use the bot.


Total Servers


Total Users

All Commands

/help - show list of commands
/ping - get ping of bot

/back - back the music
/clear - clear playlist
/filter - set filters to music
/loop - repet current playlist
/nowplaying - show current music
/pause - pause current music
/play - play a music
/progress - show current playing time of current music
/queue - show the playlist
/resume - resume current music
/save - send in DM the music you listened to
/search - search a music
/seek - seeking a music
/shuffle - queue shuffled one music
/skip - skipping current music
/stop - stop current music
/volume - set volume of music